Matching Arrange the following sentences in the order in which they
would appear in a text.
A. | 1 | F. | 6 | B. | 2 | G. | 7 | C. | 3 | H. | 8 | D. | 4 | I. | 9 | E. | 5 | J. | 10 |
From there, the young doctor moved to Paris to study the problems of
prematurely born babies under Pierre Budin.
Toward the end of his career, Martin A. Couney could boast that, out of 8,000
premature babies placed in his career, 6,500 had survived.
Couney finally stopped traveling and found a permanent home for his combination
side show and hospital on Coney Island in 1903.
Martin Couney was born either in Alsace or Breslau in 1870.
For the next 40 years on the rambunctious, dirty, noisy stretch of beach,
Couney ran an elegant little clinic which offered the best, most specialized treatment for premature
babies in America at that time.
At Budin’s request, Couney supervised a display of premature babies in
incubators at the 1896 World Fair in Berlin.
After the turn of the century, Couney traveled with his show to the
Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, and was received enthusiastically by audiences who had
paid a quarter each to see his tiny patients.
The young doctor’s first appearance in America was at the
Trans-Mississippi Exposition in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1898 when he again showed his
“preemies” in incubators.
The “child hatchery” was a great success, and Couney found himself
with enough money to begin thinking about moving to America.
According to one of his biographers, Couney completed a medical degree in