Multiple Choice Identify the
choice which describes what came immediately before the given sentence.
These responsibilities are typical for a girl Binta’s age in Kano,
A. | Something about Binta’s responsibilities. | B. | Something about life in
Kano. |
Thus did Shakespeare begin and end his days in Stratford.
A. | An account of Shakespeare’s death, with reference to his birth. | B. | An account of
Shakespeare’s works. |
Such centralization had long since vanished in the wake of urban growth.
A. | A description of present day centralization. | B. | A description of centralization at
some time in the past. |
However, if the upper classes consumed conspicuously and the mercantile classes
with balance-sheet moderation, many in this period lacked any means at all.
A. | A description of the consumption habits of the upper and the mercantile
classes. | B. | A description of the behavior of those without means. |
Bird references, while less numerous, occur often enough to keep a drowsy
ornithologist awake.
A. | A mention of why bird references are infrequent. | B. | A mention of references to
something other than birds. |
In most cases, however, it is best to get out of the car and make necessary
repairs quickly so that you can move away from your hazardous position.
A. | Under what circumstances staying in the car might be a good idea. | B. | Under what
circumstances getting out of the car is recommended. |
Meanwhile, at the edge of the festivities, a motley collection of men and women
devote themselves with solemnity to the preparation of chili.
A. | Something about the way chili is prepared. | B. | Something about the festivities
themselves. |
In the present dark days, when impassioned creationists across the country are
attempting to force schools to teach anti-evolutionary theories, a book like this is of enormous
A. | An account of creationists’ theories. | B. | A description of the contents of
the book in question. |
On a less scholarly but no less information note, the guide remarked that the
door to the tapestry room creaks and that all the French clocks in the house work.
A. | An informative, academic comment on the house. | B. | A scholarly but uninformative
comment on the house. |
It appears, however, that the brain has greater plasticity and that functions
normally carried out in the hemispheres may be relocated elsewhere in the brain.
A. | The organs which have greater plasticity than the brain | B. | What was previously
believed about the brain’s relative lack of plasticity |