
Draw Logical Inferences - Exercise 3 - 098

Multiple Choice
Choose the statements (A, B, C, or D) which can definitely be inferred from each of the sentences below. The number of inferences that can be drawn will vary from item to item.


In 1975, a federal court ruled that affirmative action hiring for police forces be extended to women. For every while male fired or promoted, a female would have to be hired or promoted. From 1975 on, Detroit actively recruited women into law enforcement. By the spring of 1980, 12 percent of the Detroit police force was female.
There was affirmative action in police force hiring before 1975.
In 1975, the Detroit police department changed its policy toward hiring women.
Before 1975, Detroit did not have women in law enforcement.
In 1980, the proportion of women in the Detroit police department reflected their proportion in the population as a whole.


Back trouble is one of the most common causes of doctor visits in the United States and the leading cause of long-term disability and absenteeism from work. In fact, 80 percent of the populace will have a severe backache sometime during their lives. Yet almost all of this discomfort and inconvenience is avoidable.
No other cause accounts for as many doctor visits in the United States as back trouble.
Eighty percent of all back trouble is avoidable.
No other cause accounts for as much absenteeism from work as back trouble.
If everyone took the proper precautions, most back trouble could be avoided.


If you have a blowout, keep both hands on the wheel and steer straight ahead. If it is a front tire, the car will veer in the direction of the blowout. A rear tire may cause swerving from side to side. Ease off the accelerator, then touch the brakes lightly. As you pull off the road, look for a level paved surface. On soft ground a jack will wink without raising the vehicle.
In a front tire blowout, drivers should turn the steering wheel in the direction of the blowout.
In a rear tire blowout, the direction in which the car moves usually indicates which tire has been punctured.
In a front tire blowout, the direction in which the car moves indicates which tire has been punctured.
A car with a blowout sinks on soft ground.


M.F.K. Fisher, author of 14 books, states that she does not usually like to read what she has written but that she does like her own A Cordial Water. This book about folk medicine is a collection of odd, old recipes for medicines for people as well as animals. It has been out of print, but a paperback edition is being considered.
M.F.K. Fisher’s 14 books were out of print when this paragraph was written.
Generally speaking, Fisher does not like reading.
A Cordial Water has not appeared in a paperback edition.
All of Fisher’s books are about folk medicine.


Perhaps the biggest difference between today’s young adults and those of the 70s is their attitude toward parents and grandparents. According to surveys of high school seniors by a federal agency, the proportion of seniors who consider living close to parents and relatives very important has nearly doubled, rising from 8 percent in 1972 to 14 percent in 1990. Similarly, increases are displayed in another survey in which 71 percent of high school students said they agreed with their parents about what they should do with their lives, and 75 percent agreed with their parents’ values.
According to the federal agency study, most high school seniors now consider living close to parents and relatives very important.
The 75 percent mentioned is higher than the corresponding figure for the 70s.
According to one of the studies mentioned, more students agree with their parents’ values than with their parents’ views about what they should do with their lives.
According to a study, 86 percent of high school seniors consider living close to parents and relatives unimportant.


In 1980, Canada announced strict additional limits on ownership of energy companies by foreign institutions and individuals. Since these may no longer own more than 50 percent of such companies, they have had to face new problems related to restricted sources of capital.
Before 1980, foreigners were allowed to own a majority of shares in Canadian energy companies.
Foreigners may not own a majority share in a Canadian company.
Canada’s 1980 limitations on energy company ownership have caused some problems for these enterprises.
Before 1980, there were no limitations on foreign individuals owning Canadian energy companies.


Young children in certain societies call their mother and their aunts by the same name, properly ignoring the differences and noticing the similarities. In all societies, when there is trouble in the family, an aunt may temporarily take the mother’s role, for which children thus rescued extend lifetime thanks.
According to the writer, aunts play a valuable role when there are family difficulties.
The author approves of the practice of young children in certain societies calling the mother and aunt by the same name.
Mothers and aunts are completely ignored in some societies.
Young children in all societies adopt the same practices toward their aunts.


There are presently six operators running only oar-powered trips, 12 offering both oar and mother, and four only motor trips on the Colorado River run. Motor trips range from three to 11 days and oar trips from three to 22. Some of these longer trips include one or more side-canyon hikes and overnights away from the river.
Oar trips may last longer than motor trips.
There are 22 companies operating trips of the kinds mentioned on the Colorado River run.
Motor trips may last longer than oar trips.
Two-week motor trips may include side-canyon hikes.


From the perspective of the high school generation that followed them, the baby boomers clouded the future. Never has the United States had to absorb so many births as in the baby-boom years, 1946 through 1964. Some 76 million Americans born in those 19 years have dominated the consumer market, imprinting their tastes and values on the culture, swamping the labor force, and generally overwhelming the economy.
There were fewer students in American high schools after the baby boom generation.
Between 1946 and 1964, an average of 4 million American were born every year.
Babies from the “baby-boom” period are 19 years old now.
Both American culture and the American economy have been affected by the unusual number of babies born between 1946 and 1964.


When the cold, fastidious Mississippian rose to speak, a hush fell over the Senate Chamber. It was January 21, 1861, and Jefferson Davis and four other senators from the Deep South were there that day to announce their resignations, contending that Abraham Lincoln’s election as president doomed their way of life.
Jefferson Davis was a senator from Mississippi.
By 1861, Lincoln had already served one term as president.
Jefferson Davis was opposed to Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln’s election doomed the way of life in the Deep South.

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