Multiple Choice Identify the
choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Choose the most general sentence in each set.
A. | Recently, reports on Beyonce, Prince Charles, and Gordon Brown have all
appeared. | C. | Typical of the unusual was an article on recipes for and the benefits of
earthworms. | B. | People magazine contains articles on people in the news, unusual happenings,
and the latest entertainment events. | D. | The reviews are entertainingly written and sometimes highly critical though they are
shorter than in some older, established magazines. |
Choose the most general sentence in each set.
A. | The speaker related a number of amusing anecdotes, which were well told as well as
intrinsically comical. | C. | All of those attending the lecture felt that they learned something
new and interesting from the speaker. | B. | The talk covered every aspect of the subject
and included examples from other related fields. | D. | The lecture was wide-ranging, amusing, and
informative. |
Choose the most general sentence in each set.
A. | The orbit of Uranus does not follow the orbit calculated for it because it is being
pulled slightly off course by the gravitational attraction of another, unknown planet. | C. | The planetoid
Chiron, discovered in 1977, is too small to cause the irregularity exhibited in Uranus’
orbit. | B. | The tiny planet Pluto is too small to account for the distortion of Uranus’
orbit. | D. | Planetary
observations show why astronomers believe a tenth planet may exist. |
Choose the most general sentence in each set.
A. | When rib roasts are on sale, you should ask your butcher to cut one into steaks for
you. | C. | By following our special cost-cutting guide, you can reduce your family’s meat
bill by as much as 50 percent. | B. | If you debone whole chicken breasts yourself,
you can save more than a dollar per pound on chicken cutlets. | D. | When buying a whole side of beef to be cut into
steaks, you should keep in mind that there can be as many as two kilos of water per eight
kilos. |
Choose the most general sentence in each set.
A. | In short, science fiction writing offers the reader the entire universe and all of
the past, present, and future. | C. | The middle range of stories often deals with the frontiers of
modern knowledge and the ethics involved in scientific decisions. | B. | One thing that all
good science fiction stories have in common is that they deal with the idea of
change. | D. | Modern science
fiction covers a wide range of topics, from stories about robots and high technology to fantasies
about enchanted kingdoms in outer space. |
Choose the most general sentence in each set.
A. | Stray animals usually do not trust people. | C. | Most stray animals have received
little or no training. | B. | Stray animals almost never make good
pets. | D. | Stray animals are
frequently the victims of poor nutrition and lack of medical
treatment. |
Choose the most general sentence in each set.
A. | Undoubtedly, the most important decision was the one concerning the rebuilding of the
Otter Creek bridge. | C. | At their last meeting, the town council made a number of long-awaited
decisions. | B. | There was some opposition to the proposal to increase the budget for law enforcement,
but it eventually passed. | D. | A
few members wanted to earmark extra funds for next year’s town festival, but a majority felt
that the limited resources available should be used for other, more pressing
needs. |
Choose the most general sentence in each set.
A. | Newborn babies sob seemingly in sympathy when they hear the cries of other
babies. | C. | The crying of a baby chimpanzee has no effect on newborn human
babies. | B. | A calm baby does not cry if it hears a recording of its own
cries. | D. | Newborn babies can
distinguish among their own cries, the cries of other babies, and the cries of non-human
babies. |
Choose the most general sentence in each set.
A. | Microwave ovens have eliminated many of the inconveniences previously associated with
the preparation of meals. | C. | Many microwave ovens can be pre-set to cook your food while you are
away from the kitchen. | B. | Many food can go directly from the freezer to
the microwave oven without being defrosted. | D. | The microwave oven has greatly reduced the amount of time it takes to cook a
meal. |
Choose the most general sentence in each set.
A. | Many people think social anthropologists spend their time measuring the size of
people’s heads or other parts of their bodies. | C. | Some misunderstandings undoubtedly
derive from the fact that many social anthropologists work in areas where archaeologists are seeking,
or have sought, clues to man’s past. | B. | Perhaps because it is a relatively new
discipline, social anthropology causes a great deal of confusion among laymen. | D. | It is a popular misconception that social
anthropology focuses exclusively on pyramids, old temple sites, and other archaeological
remains. |