
Logical Sequence of Ideas: Exercise 2

Multiple Choice
Choose the item, A or B, which you would expect to follow the sentence given.


Since the bamboo plants on which the Giant Panda in its Chinese habitat depends for survival flower only once every 80 to 100 years, it is remarkable that the creature continues to exist.
Something more about the survival of the Giant Panda
Something about other animals native to China


Although several producers have been interested in backing a movie based on Hitler’s last days, the necessary documentation to make such a film has not been found.
A list of the interested producers
More about the necessary documentation


The invention of the cotton gin meant more than just a way to get the green seeds off the cotton without damaging the fiber.
An account of other effects the invention gave rise to
An account of how cotton was processed before the cotton gin was invented


Something happens to men and women who are accepted in the astronaut program, something beyond mere improved physical fitness and increased technical competence.
An explanation of the qualities required for acceptance into the astronaut program
An explanation of other ways in which those accepted change


Thirty years before, it had taken him four days to make the trip from Munich to Kaufbeuren.
A description of modern Kaufbeuren
A contrast involving the time taken for the trip 33 years later


The student was confused, not because of the content of the lecture, but because of the speaker’s style of delivery.
A description of the lecturer’s way of speaking
A summary of what the speak said


The study of function, rather than form, produces a different scheme.
Something about the study of function
Something about the study of form


So fixed was the idea of the earth’s being the center of the universe for people in the Middle Ages that they were reluctant to reconsider it in light of new discoveries and theories.
Something about the nature of fixed ideas
Something about the new discoveries and theories


Until recently, the only way different segments of a population could come to know about each other was through direct contact.
The difference in the situation today
Why direct contact is significant today


For this car manufacturer, however, there is a lot more at stake than next year’s model.
What else is at stake for this car manufacturer
What is at stake for other car manufacturers


Even at Westlake High School, where there are fully equipped classrooms and a competent staff, there are many students who fail to pass the college entrance exams.
An explanation of the kind of equipment in the school’s classrooms
A comparison of results at Westlake High School and those at other schools


Perhaps we have to think in terms of bringing down unemployment levels rather than in terms of combating inflation at all costs.
The importance of bringing down unemployment levels
The importance of combating inflation


The chairman of the company had wanted to say, in his speech to the shareholders in Chicago, that future pay increases should be kept to under 5 percent.
An account of what the chairman actually said
An explanation of why the meeting had been held in Chicago


While the concept of the tourist as a pilgrim who is searching for more than pleasure might be easy to understand, the notion that tourism and pilgrimage bear more than a superficial resemblance to each other is not.
The deeper relationship between tourists and pilgrims
The superficial resemblance between tourists and pilgrims


So fixed is the equation of tourism with escape and vacationing that we are reluctant to consider it in the same light as a pilgrimage.
Differences between tourism and a pilgrimage
Similarities between tourism and pilgrimage

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